Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Chestnut harvest

We both, me and Justyna miss the Magusto, the roasted castanhas or chestnuts, and Justyna had a brilliant idea, take Olivia to a park, to show all the beauty of the Autumn  as of course the Autumn from home never will be the same as seen from outside, to Olivia witness the leaves dropping from the trees, to step on a bunch of thousand leaves on the floor, to discover new colours among the leaves. And of course we discovered a Chestnut tree, where we collect few of its fruits. Olivia brought home a basket full of leaves and chestnuts. I confessed, on the way until there I was so tired I almost gave up, only when I reached there, I found a bench to sit down and read a book to Olivia I agreed with myself that coming here was my best option. The pain and tiredness cannot take me down everyday.

1 comment:

  1. há tanto tempo que não via as castanhas dentro ... disso, seja lá como é que isso se chama.
    Recordo-me agora que nós apanhávamos castanhas em pequenos, lá na zona. Havia castanheiros, com castanhas!, onde nós brincávamos.
