Friday, August 10, 2012

More chemotherapy

The holidays come to an end today, I went this morning to the Oncologist and the news were unfortunately the worst, The same Deja-vu, The doctor said the tumours are getting stronger, nothing is making them to stop, In the neck is definitely few times bigger and the same with the Liver, The technology, CT scan showed this evidence but also the manual way, metric tape that the doctor used to measure the growths said the same. I listen all that, as if I listened a bad mark in the school, In fact before I saw the doctor I was nervous, and  I had the feeling, like a kid before the exam, I just wanted to go inside and listen the results, whatever it was. Listen and get home, to my World.

The Future does not want to smile for me, but I will carry on, Next week I will be transferred to a different Hospital and doctor, I will have another chance, In the UCLH I will go to try a trial. I will do a different chemotherapy, made of two substance, For only one drug there is evidence that is active in my type of Cancer. But from here, everything is experimental. Anyway, there is cases of a drugs trial being successful. I also, have some other chances, following my body and my own believes. So, I feel as if everything is still not lost.
With all that, at home I did not have much time to dive in my bad thoughts, because Sofia, Julian and Samara come to visit us, In contradiction, but it was not a bad day. Friends do miracles.

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