Sunday, November 11, 2012

Friends to remember

It was an intense day, full of surprises, good ones. It is now time to go to sleep and my heart is still in high beating rate, due to not having a chance yet to rest from all the emotions. I had the wonderful and unexpected call from my harem: ) angels that are always with me, a consortium of friends that never let me to go down. What have I done to have such a friends. If I did something to deserve was accidental, for sure. They had they annual gathering meeting, they looked all pretty and happy, it made me happy to see them.

Also today was a day for birthday parties, Justyna and Olivia went to celebrate with Gabi her 13th birthday, shame that I was too weak to go to Maria's house, but in compensation there was another party, which come inside my home, it was Khrishna's birthday, we all had a lovely time together. The other surprise through the day, was the visit of Jane, Mike and John, it was a long time since we met last time and it was great to speak again and see that everyone's life is on a good track.
Thank you all for the day.

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