Friday, June 8, 2012

Measuring tape

Today was another Friday of Oncology, From the meeting with the doctor there was few things to be happy, my blood test showed an improvement in the blood platelets, what let me to carry on taking the Everolimus and the scalp infection is also better. Then, today I become a bit closer to be allowed to go to Portugal for holidays, this in two weeks time. Inside the doctor cabinet, was bizarre the image of the oncologist around me with a tape measure, this to measure the growths. Because, next CT scan will be only in August, the doctor needed to use the old fashion way to check how is behaving the disease, and check if the treatment has been effective or not. Through the day in hospital we had the company of Vasco, which let Olivia to be less involved in the doctors affairs. This is not a World for our baby yet.

The news were good, nevertheless I was not in my best days, probably it is the cold and headache, probably is the weather, probably in the blotted belly feeling. But the secret is to wait for the night sleep and to be patient.

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