Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Glass half full

There is a place when I always exit more full than when I entry, this place is the Hospital. There is a reason for having crumbs in my tummy and headaches when I need to go to the Hospital, I always bring out more headaches and worries in my pockets than before. Today I went for the Dermatology, to show this infection in the scalp and in the groins. In the scalp, this looks a bit out of control, but I was surprised with the optimism from the doctor, I would like that I can share all her vision that will be easy to get rid of this fungus that took over my head, but not brain.

The problem in the groins looked more difficult to deal, the doctor did not want to take any biopsy as she is not sure what this can be, she treated it as a suspicions growths, next week I will do an ultrasound to check what can be this problem. Then, I came out from the Hospital with more things to occupy my head. But, all the bad news they already did their job, to take away my hopes, but they did not took away all the happiness and positiveness. This is my job to not let those problems interfere with my instants of happiness, minutes that never make hours or days. There are only the moments in the clock.

I am finding very therapeutic the walks after Hospital, I think it should be abolished the public transports from at least 1 mile around the Hospitals. From the hospital we walked for three hours almost, I was very tired through the walk, but this brought me light, the afternoon was full of good things. Our walk ended up in Golders Green to visit Adriano's family and their new house, and on this way we met for a big coincidence our neighbours and friends Jim and Vicky. But, this was not all, as in the evening we had a very relaxing meal in the company of Maria's family, and also a friend from my Art class, this was a wonderful surprise, I did not expect to meet Mazoca in Marias's house, she is a very sweet lady.
So, in the end I managed to keep my bad thoughts inside its right place, in the Hospital, instead of in my mind.

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