Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Meu amoré..

It would be your birthday today...
I have been listening to Pearl Jam all evening..  playing it, as if in search of you... and also for Oli..
I am trying not to be sad.. I am trying to think how lucky I was to meet you, to be your wife.. Even if it was not meant to last a lifetime...
I am trying not to be sad...
Last week I couldn't stop crying on my way back from work. As I was leaving the tube station I saw this message written on the board:

Let it go
Let it leave
Let it happen
in this world 
was promised or
belonged to you 
all you own is yourself

Across these words was a simple drawing of a kite, flying away..
I thought automatically about YOU and Oli flying kites on the roof of Casa Luz... :)
I felt as if this message was from you..